Friday, January 27, 2012

Requirements for getting into Miami University of Ohio?

I am currently a senior in high school and obviously looking at colleges. People have told me great things about Miami University of Ohio. I currently have a 24 on the ACT (probably going to be at least a 26 next time i take it) and I am taking the SAT in October. I am in honor roll, have about a 3.6-3.7 GPA, however, I take post-secondary classes (college classes) and my school does not have a weighted grading scale. I am also taking the most advanced classes possible. Do you think with this I will get in? I've also done community service, volunteer work, national honor society, student council, big brothers big sisters, and am a very good competitive water skier...Any advice will be helpful if you know what MU is looking for.

Also, I am debating between Miami University and Ohio State. Opinion on which ones better? ThanksRequirements for getting into Miami University of Ohio?
Well I am biased because I hate OSU, but anyways.

I think that will be good enough to get you into Miami. I KNOW it will get you into OSU because I applied and was accepted there with a 3.5 (we also didnt have weighted gpas) and a 24 act.

One thing I will say about OSU is I didnt go because (not only because I am a huge UMich fan) but because there financial aid package SUCKS. its take it or leave it for them since they have like 50,000 students. Your just a number to them. You wait forever to get anything done, lots of lines, etc. If you like a huge campus, there it. If you prefer a little more individual attention, then go to Miami. They are better with the aid as well.Requirements for getting into Miami University of Ohio?
ohio university in athens ohio is WAYYYY betterRequirements for getting into Miami University of Ohio?
Miami is known as one of the 'public Ivies'... it is the gem of the Ohio State University System.

Your grades are good, they have a very good hockey team, but not one for water skiiing... in fact the local state park nearby (Heuston Woods)(spelling?) has a nie lake, BUT the boat speed limit has always been 5MPH, so you really cant even ski there.

I say go for a visit. Be prepared to see a VERY active greek system. They may have an official open house weekend where you get to meet some students: ask hard questions.... not the "how is the food?' kind..... you want the REAL story....

MOST of the academic programs are quite good, some are less so than others. Dorms for first year students are chaotic....

I had a pretty good time there.

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