Monday, February 20, 2012

What can you tell me about Miami Florida?

Me and my friend are planning on moving to Miami Florida in about a 1 yr and a half. We already have the mind set to delete all debt that we may have here where we currently live. Our goal is from now on to save as much money as we can for the expenses of driving down , hotel, food, gas and getting a security depots on an apt and two months rent untill we find jobs. Do you think that this is a good plan and will it help us out in the end? How is it down in Miami, what the adverage for a studio apt or a one bedroom apt thats in an ok neighborhood run ??? Or any other things that might be usefull.. thanksWhat can you tell me about Miami Florida?
If you are considering moving to this area, you need to do a lot of homework. Miami is not necessarily the best place to move to unless you are Latin or speak Spanish. The areas around the beach are very expensive. You may be better off considering Broward County which is the next county North of Miami/Dade. First get a map of South Florida that includes Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. Go online to the Chamber of Commerce for both and ask them to send you a newcomer's package. Invest in a subscription to the Miami Herald or Sun-Sentinel News Paper or you can go online to them and sign up for a daily newsletter. You should also go to to check out apartment rentals in each area you are considering and also check out the employment ads.

When you are ready to take the big step, find a hotel that has weekly rentals with Kitchens, sometimes referred to as executive suite hotels When you find one, make sure it's in a safe area. Avoid moving in the winter months, hotels are much more expensive at that time.What can you tell me about Miami Florida?
go too.... see bottomWhat can you tell me about Miami Florida?
I STRONGLY recommend that you visit Miami before moving. I don't know where you are moving from, but Miami is VERY expensive. I lived in south FL for many years so I know. The culture and way of life is also very different than anywhere else in the U.S. It is best to visit for a while before making such a big decision.What can you tell me about Miami Florida?
Miami has gotten very expensive. If you could some how set up a job before you move down, that would be the best way to go. In 2 months, you could be tapped out of cash.Jobs down here don't eally pay well and the cost of living has gone up. Apartments are getting scarce down here...they are converting most places into condos which are available to rent. A one bedroom condo in a good neighborhood will run you about $900 a month.

Speaking Spanish is a bonus, but not absolutely necessary.

The worst drivers on earth have all moved to Miami.

The weather is awesome in winter, and there is plenty to do.

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